
GOGGLES - final presentation

Finally comes our presentation day of our first assignment. We were asked to present it in front of 5 juries and our entire class. I was already a bit tensed and  to make it worse our group was asked to come first and present it. Since it was our first time, none of us had the experience and the entire crowd was full of “not that familiar faces”.
As the presentation materials, I made a model of a merry-go-round which had seats in the shape of colourful horses and I pasted it on my presentation board. Since there were no photos available of the interior I included few sketches of some interior elements that I did.

When my chance came, I told whatever I felt about the whole design  of the interior elements and a quick summary on the whole about it. I felt so much relieved after the presentation. I gained a lot through this assignment to work in groups and to present it confidently in front of others. Also that was my first time using adobe Photoshop to make my presentation board. Basically it was a good start. On the whole I enjoyed the process and the final presentation also I realized that I should improve my Photoshop skills.

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